Charlestown Pads published this infographic of average rent costs in Charlestown. The data came from Boston Pads, an immense, real time database of over 156,000 Greater Boston apartments, 500,000+ photos, and 8,000+ property tour videos.
Rent averages were calculated from 49 apartments in Charlestown that either were rented in the past 12 months or are currently listed. To get the real time vacancy rate, Charlestown Pads took the sum of currently available apartments and those that will hit the market in the coming months, then divided by the total number of Charlestown apartments in the database. Population and income data was sourced from the United States Census Bureau.
For studio and 1-bedroom apartments, rent prices in Charlestown stay within about $200 of the neighboring suburbs, Somerville and Cambridge. For larger units, Charlestown gets more expensive, exceeding the average price of 3-bedrooms in Somerville by over $800 and Cambridge by $400. This might be because larger apartments are harder to come by within city limits.
Studio |
$1,798.50 |
$1,855.79 |
$1,762.85 |
1 Bedroom |
$1,921.59 |
$1,972.11 |
$2,143.36 |
2 Bedroom |
$2,524.79 |
$2,182.63 |
$2,831.55 |
3 Bedrooms |
$3,783.33 |
$2,949.39 |
$3,377.55 |
- See detailed average rent prices in Cambridge
- See detailed average rent prices in Somerville
There were 22 neighborhoods, towns, and cities in Greater Boston analyzed along with Charlestown. The results confirm that Charlestown is among the costliest neighborhoods in the area, ranking 4th most expensive for studio apartments, 12th for 1-bedrooms, 9th for 2-bedrooms, and 6th for 3-bedrooms. While it is not the priciest neighborhood in Boston, renters on a budget might want to tread carefully. For those willing to pay for it, Charlestown is a great option to live within the city limits without paying as much as one might in pricier neighborhoods like Symphony and Back Bay.
About Charlestown Pads
The Boston Pads database powers Charlestown Pads. Property managers, landlords, renters, sellers or anyone who is curious can access information from Boston Pads about real estate trends in the entire Greater Boston Area by phone 7 days a week. A trained phone staff and licensed real estate agents assist callers curious about average rent prices, vacancy rates, lease timing, and more. For Boston area landlords, access to this tool means they can maximize their rental income and reduce vacancy times.
This local and data-focused approach, along with incomparable marketing reach, has allowed Boston Pads to build a network of landlords to over 16,000. When Boston area landlords list their vacancies with Boston Pads, they get better marketing coverage than any other service can offer. Boston Pads posts listings on nearly every national platform like Craigslist and Zillow, over 80 locally optimized rental websites, and more than 100 targeted, local social media pages on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. You will receive the most marketing coverage with the least amount of effort, ensuring a positive outcome with the greatest time and cost savings.
These powerful marketing and data solutions have allowed Boston Pads to dominate the real estate and information technology field in New England. Their platform can adapt to any market, scales with offices as they grow, and is available to real estate agencies and landlords who want to gain an edge over the competition.
To see the average rent prices for more parts of the Greater Boston Area, check out the latest Boston Pads infographic on average rent prices in Boston by town.